Niazi-99 Express offer Special Bus, Mini Bus, Coaster, APV & High-Roofs for special Booking on cheap rates to our valued customers for all Cities of Pakistan as well as for ZIARAAT of IRAN & IRAQ
Niazi Express 99 know our passengers, we know their needs, and we know their problems. We are in a journey to establish more comfortable, more affordable, more reliable and more enjoyable transportation system to deliver more values to our passengers
All Counter Purchased Tickets can be cancelled on Zero% deduction minimum 2 hours before departure from relevant Terminal / Counter.
Any OnLine purchased ticket can be changed/ refund minimum 2 hours before departure from relevant Ticketing Counter of Lahore Terminal

Download Our Niazi Express
Mobile App Now
Download our app for the fastest, most convenient way to send Recharge.
Niazi Express is a role model and trend setter first private transport company in Pakistan with largest infrastructural setup and buses. We are using most modern information technology tools to facilitate the passengers. Now you can Book & Purchase your favorite seat without hassle or visiting our terminal. All you need to download and install our Mobile App that is available for both Android and iOS. The Bookings made using Mobile App will remain available till the departure of the bus and a confirmation SMS will be sent to valued passenger
You can buy the booked seat via
- Cash
- Credit Card
- Jazz Cash
- Easy Paisa